My works on IOIO 2016 - VI International Origami Internet Olympiad

  Peter Stein

Samurai Helmet
Marcelo Ar ispe-Guzman

Beth Johnson

Shore Crab
Pham Hoang Tuan

Sergey Yar tsev

Hear t With A Swan
Andrey Lukyanov

Evangeline Kusudama
Xander Perrott

More info about olympiad is in

I am animator

This is my first animation which I made. I used only Inventor 2017.

DDS Reflection File

I made some texture for reflectin in Autodeks Inventor 2017. In last version it was only .bmp renamed to .dds. But in version 2017 it is harder. The texture is cubic and for made texture like this it is need special softvare. I used DirectX Texture Tool which is one component of  Microsoft® DirectX® Software Development Kit. Some information is on Autodesk support.
My new textures is erotic - download zip