Cactus Flower

During christmas time I have done new decoration. +Isa Klein sent me a paper for this ball. Thank you Isa.

paper: 80 x 80 mm, 80g/m²
- ball: 5 pcs red, 25 pcs green
- butterflies: 2 pcs yellow
model: ~ Ø120 mm

Arabesque design: Mio Tsugawa
top Butterfly degign: Hoang Tien Quyet
buttom Butterfly design: Michael LaFosse

Cheval - Larch

I done it. It was hard and long work, but I made it. I have origami horse or cheval which design Hoang Tien Quyet.

paper: 460 x 460 mm 70 g/m²
model: 110 x 140 mm
time: 7 hours
design: Hoang Tien Quyet
book: VOG: 50 hours of Origami