Evening with book

I had evening for myself. I took a book and folded some new animal. New books are perfect.
I have a new foxes

design: Román Diaz

Spring at Zapač

Photos from a valley Zapač in Liptál.

New origami books

The letter-carrier bring me my new books from origami-shop. Today is super day :)

Hearts for my love

( design: Francis Ow )

( design: unknow )

( design: Hoang Tien Quyet )

Dragon fight

( design: Charles Esseltine )

( design: Kade Chan )


At vnTopic.com I found nice origami figure and I had to make it. It is Nazgul from Lord of the Rings.

Nazgul 8.1
design: Jason Ku
paper: 700x700mm 70g/m
First try

Second try