Cactus Flower

During christmas time I have done new decoration. +Isa Klein sent me a paper for this ball. Thank you Isa.

paper: 80 x 80 mm, 80g/m²
- ball: 5 pcs red, 25 pcs green
- butterflies: 2 pcs yellow
model: ~ Ø120 mm

Arabesque design: Mio Tsugawa
top Butterfly degign: Hoang Tien Quyet
buttom Butterfly design: Michael LaFosse

Cheval - Larch

I done it. It was hard and long work, but I made it. I have origami horse or cheval which design Hoang Tien Quyet.

paper: 460 x 460 mm 70 g/m²
model: 110 x 140 mm
time: 7 hours
design: Hoang Tien Quyet
book: VOG: 50 hours of Origami


Založil jsem si svúj obchúdek s ozdobama. Mrkněte se na a hledejte Charles kusudama. Začal jsem tam dávat své výrobky z papíru jako třeba tyto:

Autumn judo tournament 2012

On Saturday we made a Autumn judo tournament for children. There we had more than hundred young fighters. Our fighters got five medals.

Flower girl

My first Ancient Dragon
paper: 1000 x 1000mm 75g/m²
model: 500 x 200 mm
designer: Satoshi Kamiya
book: Works of Satoshi Kamiya 1995-2003

macro AutoPrint - Autodesk Inventor 2013

This macro print current document or only current list. Macro configure print machine according to current list' dimension.

Public Sub TiskDleVelikosti()
On Error Resume Next
If ThisApplication.ActiveDocument.DocumentType = kDrawingDocumentObject Then

If Err.Number = 91 Then
MsgBox "Musí být otevřen výkres"
Exit Sub
End If

Dim oDrgDoc As DrawingDocument
Dim JmenoDokumentu As String
Set oDrgDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument
JmenoDokumentu = oDrgDoc.DisplayName
' Set reference to drawing print manager
' DrawingPrintManager has more options than PrintManager
' as it's specific to drawing document
Dim oDrgPrintMgr As DrawingPrintManager
Set oDrgPrintMgr = oDrgDoc.PrintManager
Dim JmenoAktualnihoListu As String
Dim JmenaListu As String
Dim PocetListu As Long
PocetListu = oDrgDoc.Sheets.Count
Dim ListyKTisku As Boolean
ListyKTisku = False

If PocetListu > 1 Then
If MsgBox("Tisknout všechny listy?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion) = vbYes Then
ListyKTisku = True
End If
End If

' Zjištění velikosti aktivního listu
Dim VelikostListu As String
Dim VelikostTisku As String
oDrgPrintMgr.PaperSize = kPaperSizeA3 'Přednastavení
VelikostTisku = "A3" 'Přednastavení
' Set the printer name
' comment this line to use default printer or assign another one
oDrgPrintMgr.Printer = "\\VFS01\Canon iR3025 PCL55"
'Nastavení měřítka, papíru, které listy, orientace listu, všechno černě
oDrgPrintMgr.ScaleMode = kPrintFullScale
oDrgPrintMgr.Orientation = kPortraitOrientation
oDrgPrintMgr.AllColorsAsBlack = True
oDrgPrintMgr.NumberOfCopies = 1
' Zjištění natočení listu a případná změna
Dim OtoceniListu As String

If oDrgDoc.ActiveSheet.Orientation = kPortraitPageOrientation Then
OtoceniListu = "na výšku"
OtoceniListu = "na šířku"
End If

Dim MeritkoTisku As String
MeritkoTisku = "1 : 1"

Select Case oDrgDoc.ActiveSheet.Size
Case kA0DrawingSheetSize
VelikostListu = "A0"
Case kA1DrawingSheetSize
oDrgPrintMgr.Printer = "HP Designjet 500 24 by HP"
VelikostListu = "A1"
oDrgPrintMgr.PaperSize = kPaperSizeA1 'Nastavení papíru tiskárny
VelikostTisku = "A1"
oDrgPrintMgr.Orientation = kPortraitPageOrientation
oDrgPrintMgr.Rotate90Degrees = 1
OtoceniListu = "na výšku"
oDrgPrintMgr.ScaleMode = kPrintBestFitScale
Case kA2DrawingSheetSize
oDrgPrintMgr.Printer = "HP Designjet 500 24 by HP"
VelikostListu = "A2"
oDrgPrintMgr.PaperSize = kPaperSizeA2 'Nastavení papíru tiskárny
VelikostTisku = "A2"
oDrgPrintMgr.Orientation = kLandscapeOrientation
If oDrgDoc.ActiveSheet.Orientation = kPortraitPageOrientation Then
oDrgPrintMgr.Rotate90Degrees = 1
oDrgPrintMgr.Rotate90Degrees = 0
End If
oDrgPrintMgr.ScaleMode = kPrintBestFitScale
Case kA3DrawingSheetSize
oDrgPrintMgr.Printer = "iR3025"
VelikostListu = "A3"
oDrgPrintMgr.PaperSize = kPaperSizeA3 'Nastavení papíru tiskárny
VelikostTisku = "A3"
oDrgPrintMgr.Orientation = kPortraitPageOrientation
oDrgPrintMgr.Rotate90Degrees = 1
Case kA4DrawingSheetSize
oDrgPrintMgr.Printer = "iR3025"
VelikostListu = "A4"
oDrgPrintMgr.PaperSize = kPaperSizeA4 'Nastavení papíru tiskárny
VelikostTisku = "A4"
oDrgPrintMgr.Orientation = kPortraitPageOrientation
oDrgPrintMgr.Rotate90Degrees = 0
Case Else
VelikostListu = "nestandartní"
End Select

If ListyKTisku = True Then
oDrgPrintMgr.PrintRange = kPrintAllSheets
oDrgPrintMgr.PrintRange = kPrintCurrentSheet
End If

JmenoAktualnihoListu = oDrgDoc.ActiveSheet.Name
Dim CisloAktivnihoListu As Long
Dim i As Variant
'Zjištění čísla aktivního listu
For i = 1 To PocetListu
JmenaListu = oDrgDoc.Sheets.Item(i).Name
If JmenoAktualnihoListu = JmenaListu Then
CisloAktivnihoListu = i
End If

'Ověření údajá a jestli opravdu tisknout
If ListyKTisku = True Then
If MsgBox("Tisknout aktuální výkres: " & JmenoDokumentu & Chr(13) & "( velikost: " & _
VelikostListu & ", " & OtoceniListu & ", " & PocetListu & " listú)" & Chr(13) & _
"na tiskárnu " & oDrgPrintMgr.Printer & Chr(13) & "na papír: " & VelikostTisku & ", " & MeritkoTisku & ", " & OtoceniListu & "?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion) = vbYes Then
End If
If MsgBox("Tisknout aktuální list číslo " & CisloAktivnihoListu & Chr(13) & _
"( " & JmenoAktualnihoListu & ", velikosti: " & VelikostListu & ", " & OtoceniListu & ", " & " ze " & PocetListu & " listú )" & Chr(13) & _
"na tiskárnu " & oDrgPrintMgr.Printer & Chr(13) & "na papír: " & VelikostTisku & ", " & MeritkoTisku & ", " & OtoceniListu & "?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion) = vbYes Then
End If
End If

Else 'Když dokument není výkres
MsgBox "Lze tisknout jen výkresy"
End If
End Sub

Doberman Pinscher

Doberman Pinscher ( first time )

paper: 340 x 340 mm, 70g/m²
model: W 130 mm, H 140 mm
design: Ares Alanya
book: Tanteidan Convention 17


I have learned few Kawasaki Roses.

One-minute rose
paper: 210 x 210 mm
design: Toshikazu Kawasaki
book: Origami Dream World

Kawasaki Rose
designer: Toshikazu Kawasaki
book: Origami Dream World
paper: 300 x 300 mm 70 g/m²

Kawasaki Rose
designer: Toshikazu Kawasaki
book: Origami Dream World
paper: 150 x 150 mm 50 g/m²

Summer judo camp

I was at summer judo camp at Trubiska near Valašská Polanka. I was a trener. We had about forty children and we were making strong fighters from them during fourteen days. Weather was perfect, it wasn't hot but pleasantly.

Kade Chan Rose

I have started learn flowers. Today I have mede Rose design by Kade Chan.

paper: 75x600mm 80g/m²
design: Kade Chan

Video instruction is on youtube.


At one of our trips, we found big housing estate of antlion. Some knowledges about antlion are at wikipedia.

Chef Rat

I have made origami animal from new book. Now I have Chef Rat designed by Nguyen Hung Cuong. Paper I have bought an Kik, it was very cheap.

Chef Rat
paper: 420x420mm 60g/m²
design: Nguyen Hung Cuong

Decorated money

For one of my friend I have decorated money. His sister have married. There are some example of money origami.

Phoenix CZK - 200 CZK ( design: Duy Nguyen )

Klingon bird of Prey 100, 200 CZK ( design: Duy Nguyen )

Ganesh Elephant - 500 CZK ( design: J Cranwell )

Double Crane - 100 CZK ( my design )

Pegasus - 500 CZK ( design: Won Park )

Spring walking

One beautiful sunday we went to near hill with my girlfriend. Nature around Liptal is so nice.

Steam locomotive

One nice spring saturday we travel to Brumov-Bylnice. We took a train. It wasn't usual train, it was historic steam train.At Brumov there was opening festival ruin castle. Knights were fighting and jugglers were making fun. We tested new beer Gambrinus with limet and elderberry. If it is iced is good, else it is nothing special.

Photo from train


Our steam locomotive


Easter walk along Bečva river with my love.

Evening with book

I had evening for myself. I took a book and folded some new animal. New books are perfect.
I have a new foxes

design: Román Diaz

Spring at Zapač

Photos from a valley Zapač in Liptál.