Visit the new house

With my colleagues we went visit our friend. She has a new hous. It was like a little party. She has a swimmingpool at a garden. I had to test it. We had a barbeque too, it was perfect afternoon. Much wine and slivovice too ;-)

We started drink

Swimmingpool test

Much tasty meals

Myši, krysy a potkani - Mice, rats and sewer-rats

Jednoduše je to domácí havět.
Simply it is indoor vermin.

Papírova myša si hraje s tou počítačovou.
Paper mouse is playing with computer mouse.

Žijí všude možně.
They live everywhere.


Awards for blogs are new for me. I know nothing about it. But now I'm learning. I don't like long text so I'll write in brief.

I'm giving my first award for friendship and information

to this blogs:

Yumi Arteira
Tati Yumi

The rules are:
1- show the award in your blog
2- post the link for the blog that indicated you
3- post the rules
4- choose other 10 blogs to receive the award
5- tell them all about it!