New items

I made some new items. At first I made a triangular box from paper with sheeps. Very funny :-)

Next I made some item like flower. When it is rotating, it seem untypically. It perfect for playing ;-) I saw it on some blog, but now I don't know which blog :-( But it is very very funny :-)

New papers

I got a packet of papers from Brazil. Thanks Isa very much. It is perfect :-) I'm so happy :-)
I made first item from it.
the Freeze Flower

IQ light

I made a new light, self-made.

pieces: 15pcs
colour: white

I saw it at some blog. It is nontraditional, nice and easy :-)

pieces: 30pcs
colour: white

It seems like fire :-) This photo isn't modificated.

Inspiration by


I got it. I have a judo black belt, YES. It was hard, but possible. I sweated a river of sweat.

Black belt exam

In the morning, we went to the short trip to the near forest.

After breakfest, we trained with katana at the tatami.

I got it! I celebrated black belt. Super :-)

Small marbles again

New colours
wood, ice-cream, flower, cloud, hayfield

All together

Big Sphere

I spent much time to make this thing.

270 pieces
4 colours

The Matrix

At friday was experiences game in Vsetin city. I was agent Smith. I had six other agents to help me. Agent's mission is make harder playing for player. Player's mission is get Neo out of Matrix. The game organize Centrum Archa.

I'm Smith

Defence culture house.

Smith vs Morpheus

Team of agents

Links: Centrum Archa and Photoalbum Matrix

Mountain Bike

I made the bike for Lucka :-)

Diagram: Brent Marshall

This morning at work

This morning, when I looked out of my window, I saw this.

AmFolkFest 2009

Na Pulčinách na folkovém festivalu Amfolkfest bylo nádherně. Sice nám trošku několikrát sprchlo, ale jinak bylo nádherné počasí. Poznal jsem několik nových přátel, potkal spousta starých přátel a vládla báječná atmosféra.

Celé fotoalbum

I'm crazy

I love this form. I must make new colour.

Bronze Unicorn

diagram: Satoshi Kamiya
paper: 350 x 350

Company summer party

Our company made garden-party. We played volleyball, footballtennis, darts. There were some dance show. At evening everybody danced too. Very action day that friday.

Visit the new house

With my colleagues we went visit our friend. She has a new hous. It was like a little party. She has a swimmingpool at a garden. I had to test it. We had a barbeque too, it was perfect afternoon. Much wine and slivovice too ;-)

We started drink

Swimmingpool test

Much tasty meals

Myši, krysy a potkani - Mice, rats and sewer-rats

Jednoduše je to domácí havět.
Simply it is indoor vermin.

Papírova myša si hraje s tou počítačovou.
Paper mouse is playing with computer mouse.

Žijí všude možně.
They live everywhere.